Brow Lift in Buffalo, NY
As a person ages they begin to lose elasticity in their skin, and the muscle and fat begins to lose its tone. This results in an appearance of being old, tired, sad, or angry. The brow lift (or forehead lift) procedure is designed to restore a more vibrant, youthful look by repositioning a low or sagging brow, and tightening the skin that may be wrinkled or creased across the forehead.
In Buffalo, Forehead lift or Brow Lift is performed by Dr. Shatkin to treat conditions associated with aging.
If the brows have descended below the bony ridge above the eye, browlift may be right for you. It may be done in conjunction with eyelift and/or facelift surgery to achieve a more harmonious facial appearance.
Younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or overactivity of muscles may benefit from the procedure.
Doctor Shatkin uses the endoscopic approach to the browlift. By making small incisions in the scalp, just behind the hairline, a fiberoptic camera is inserted into the forehead and the skin is released to be lifted to a higher position.
The elevation is then secured with anchors in the scalp. There are no incisions in the forehead and the scars are well concealed. The anchors are removed after about 2 to 3 weeks, when the forehead positioning is healed.