Should I Combine Breast Augmentation with a Breast Lift?
Watch this video by Samuel Shatkin Jr., MD, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Buffalo, NY as he explains the situations in which a breast augmentation should be combined with a breast life procedure.
Sometimes the breast lift needs to be done with the breast augmentation or even prior to the breast augmentation. Some women that have significant sagging, perhaps after weight loss or after childbirth with breastfeeding, they’ll need to have some tightening of the breast skin.
Sometimes I’ll recommend doing that as a separate procedure from the breast augmentation. But very often, some women talk about doing breast augmentation, but they have an adequate volume. So all we need to do is re-tighten up the breast skin in order to give them that perkier look. And that could be all they needed. And perhaps they don’t need a breast augmentation.